MAVIN Version: March 22, 2016 Poison Centre Munich

AntivenomAntivenin Polyvalent
PT Bio Farma
Jl. Pasteur 28
Bandung 40161
Tel:+62-22-203-3755, Fax:+62-22-204-1306
NrName of animalTaxonomyType of antibodyReference
1.Bungarus fasciatusSpeciesspecific[A], [WHO]
2.Calloselasma rhodostomaSpeciesspecific[A], [WHO]
3.Naja sputatrixSpeciesspecific[A], [WHO]
[A]: P.T. Bio Farma, Indonesia: Antivenin Polyvalent. Clinical Toxinology Resources: Id »saspbf01«, version 2014-09-25.
[WHO]: WHO. Venomous snakes distribution and species risk categories. Name of antivenom at WHO: »Polyvalent Anti-Snake Venom«.
Holding centresNo holding centre available.